“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”
Nice debut Lynley Benneker
20 October 2024

On Saturday 19 October 2024, Lynley Benneker and Gerard Horst competed in the dressage and cones competition at Haaksbergen with respectively Stapleford Joint Venture and Stapleford Shake A Leg.
It turned out to be a drizzly, rainy day, but this could not spoil the fun at the well-organised competition.
For Lynley, this was her debut at driving competitions and not without merit! With some less good parts on the one hand and some very good parts on the other (judged with 8 points !), the point total in the first test was 192,5 points (and thus 1 profit point). The second test was even judged with a total of 195 points (and thus 2 profit points ). And respectively a 3rd and 2nd prize in dressage.
A debut she could only dream of beforehand. With some extra attention to the lesser parts, there is still a lot to gain in the dressage tests.
Next, Lynley with Stapleford Joint Venture enthusiastically started her first ever cones hat trial. Against that enthusiasm, a few pawns (and balls) proved unable to withstand. With three rejected balls and a slight time penalty, the total in the first test came to 14 penalties.
The second test went considerably better, with only one rejected ball and within the set time, and thus 3 penalty points, Lynley also gained her profit point in the cones test.
By the time Gerard was due to drive, the drizzle had turned into rain. Stapleford Shake A Leg did not find the now heavy dressage track to be hers and started to walk a bit too long. Consequently, the dressage tests were judged with respectively 165 and 176 points.
The cones course was more tot he wish of Shake A Leg. Both tests were driven clear. The first test unfortunately with 3.5 penalty points for time overrun and the second test with 1 penalty point for time overrun. But so both tests with a profit point.