“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”
The marathon consists of two sections the A section (the road section) and the B section (the obstacles). Between and after these sections are transition sections, an exit section and several veterinary checks.
Both the A-track and the B-track of the marathon should be explored well in advance, so that rider and groom know and have coordinated well what the routes to follow are.
During the marathon, the different sections must be run at a certain average speed. The speed depends on the class and conditions. At the secretariat, when you register, you will receive a time table showing the times, minimum and maximum, that apply to the race. Both courses must be completed within the allowed minimum and maximum times. If a rider enters too early or too late, he will receive 0.2 penalty points per second too early or too late.
Between sections A and B, the condition of the horse/pony is checked. In section B the obstacles, 6 - 8 pieces, including as a rule a water trough, are included. The intention is to drive the obstacles as fast as possible, every second in an obstacle is 0.25 penalty points. Also, the gates in the obstacles must be passed in the correct order and from the correct side. Mistakes in the indicated order of the gates or dismounting from the groom or a foot on the ground will be penalized and serious mistakes will result in exclusion.
After the finish of the B trail there is an exit trail of about 1 km. Usually the allowed time here is about 15 min.
Finally, you go again to the veterinary control.