“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”

“Based on horse friendship and pleasure of driving”
Driving Sport
Three sub-disciplines are distinguished in the driving sports. These are:
Driving dressage
Driving skill and
Combined Driving (SWM)
Para Driving
The dressage and/or cones competitions are one-day competitions where you ride 1 or 2 dressage tests and/or cones tests, generally first dressage and following cones.
SWM competitions are multi-day, 2 - 4 days, depending on the level of the competition.
To participate in driving sport, you must be a member of the Royal Dutch Equestrian Sports Federation (KNHS) through a driving association and you must have a starting pass for your horses/ponies.